Vegan Eats: Boston Tea Party

Eating out is one of, if not the most, difficult aspects of being vegan. A lot of places are severely lacking in veggie options, let alone anything not covered in cheese, eggs or mayonnaise. Luckily a lot of places are willing to alter their items (Vodka Revs, looking at you, love ya) but some do have purely vegan options - including Boston Tea Party. This is a firm fave for me when going out for breakfast as they do quite a few vegan options including a full english, mushroom and tomato bap and porridge with soy milk. (It's worth noting they serve breakfast all day which is also a winner in my eyes.)
Yesterday I went there for late lunch/early dinner with my friend Clara and I've never had anything that wasn't breakfast based there so I thought I'd try something new. I went for the Portobello mushroom burger (ask for it without cheese and mayo) which came in this really cute tray with a literal truck load of chips. It was really yummy - big love for mushrooms up in here - but the price isn't super student friendly, especially when you factor in drinks, so won't be something I plan on ordering all too often.
I'll try and do a post on vegan friendly places to eat whenever I go out because I know how hard it can be, especially if you're a newbie and it's really helpful to be able to suggest something to your friends other than Nando's (yes, they do a vegan option) or Wagamamas. Both yummy but it can get a little boring.

(Apologies for the amount of brackets used in this post, they just felt kinda necessary.)

Listening to: Kings and Queens - 30 Seconds to Mars

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