Carrot-y Goodness

This is a super easy recipe for vegan carrot cake. Carrot cake has been a solid fave of mine since I was young as it was my dad's specialty. He is also the reason I can't stand it with icing and why I make it in a loaf tin... Thanks dad!
This recipe is so simple because you literally just mix everything in one big bowl and put it in the oven and then eat it all up.

  • 1 cup flour (I use self raising)
  • 3/4 cup demerara sugar
  • One pot of apple sauce
  • 1tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 cup oil (this and the apple sauce are interchangeable - use less of one and add more of the other if you wish)
  • 1 cup grated carrot
Don't worry if the mixture comes out a bit sloppier than you're used to, this will make your cake nice and moist. To an extent you can also do this recipe to taste and add more apple sauce or sugar if you want it to be any sweeter, just make sure if you're adding more apple sauce then to use less oil.
This needs cooking for around 35-45 minutes at around 180 degrees and if you aren't sure if you've given it long enough then stick a knife in it and if it comes out clean then you're good to go. I've also used this recipe to make muffins before which has also been successful, they just need less time in the oven. Enjoy!

Listening to: Holding onto Heaven - Foxes

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