IKON gallery 16/10/14

Another uni trip yesterday - this time to the IKON gallery in Brindley Place. If you're unfamiliar with this place and have easy access to Birmingham then you need to go if for the lift alone - I won't ruin the surprise for you. This was my first visit and I'm so wishing I'd visited earlier.

Ikon don't have constant fixtures, their exhibitions change every few months which gives them an advantage I think to other galleries as there's always something fresh. We went to see the Lee Bull exhibition which includes some amazing sculptures, a cave and a mirror maze. It's totally free and you can do it in less than an hour - perfect for a little study break.
 This is what waits for you at the end of the maze and obviously I felt the need to take a selfie. So go along because really you have nothing to lose here.

Listening to: Fancy ft. Charlie XCX - Iggy Azalea

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