Easy Peasy Vegan Meal

I've got an easy yet oh-so-delicious recipe here for all you lazy cookers, newbies or anyone really actually. This takes about 10 minutes to do and it's literally just sautéed mushrooms, courgette and leek on a bed of spinach and avo with a sprinkle of garlic salt and hourmous on the side. It's literally that simple. Great for if you're craving something relatively light but also incredibly filling and flavourful. I made this as a post work out meal cause I was absolutely starving and didn't want to wait for anything else and it certainly filled a hole.

I'm off to Belfast this weekend to visit a long distance friend so once I'm back I'll do you all a nice post on how great it was and where to eat out there. I've heard great things about some burritos so I'll report back to you. Have a great weekend!

Listening to: oui - Jeremih

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