Vegan Friendly Snacks

Cookies and Scream, Camden

As my dissertation has fully been dominating my life I really have gotten appalling at posting on here and for that I apologise.
So I'm gonna do you a little post on my favourite instant snacks that might not be so obvious (and by that I mean not some sort of vegetable with houmous) cause this is always handy to know. The photo above is from a place called Cookies and Scream in Camden and everything is vegan and I'm not joking the milkshake from there is like no other I have ever had, sooo yummy. If you have easy access to this place then make the most of it!


  • Supermarkets own instant noodles (super noodles but cheaper)
  • Steakless bakes - get these in Holland and Barrett. So good.
  • Island Delight Spicy Vegetable Jamaican Crust Pattie. Not that spicy btw.
  • Tomato flavour cupa soup
  • Texas BBQ Pringles. Pringles are really handy cause they all say whether they're vegan or not on the side! I say this flavour specifically cause BBQ isn't usually veggie friendly.
  • Tortilla chips with the cheap salsa you get in glass jars, I know this one is a little obvious but it's a firm fave.

  • Bourbons
  • Oreos
  • Black Friars flapjacks (but obvi not the ones with chocolate on) and in actual fact a lot of shop bought packet flapjacks don't have any butter in.
  • After Eights, Poppets, usually any dark chocolate and mint combo
  • Booja Booja ice cream. The pecan one is my fave.
  • Nakd bars - some of the flavours taste a bit weird but the coco pops, pecan pie and coco orange ones are yummy.

I'll try and add to this list for you guys as I keep trying new things and feel free to recommend any that you know.

Listening to: Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande

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