Super Scrummy Brownies

I'm a massive chocolate fan and brownies so come into that equation. There are tonnes of vegan brownie recipes but this is my favourite and is the one that is very consistent. I've tried some that purely use oil and some that say to use soy milk and they're always a little off. I like mine somewhere between cakey and gooey so they're nice and soft.

  • 250g flour (I use self raising)
  • 350g demerara sugar
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 65g cocoa powder
  • 250ml vegetable or sunflower oil
  • 250ml water
It needs to be actual cocoa powder and not drinking chocolate as it won't be as chocolatey and that also has powdered milk in it. I added some drips of crunchy peanut butter in this as well and my god was that a good choice. Chocolate and peanut is always a winner. This needs cooking for around 30 minutes at 180 centigrade, it'll be really squidgy when you touch it but it hardens as it cools. It's also pretty sticky so I always cook it in foil or baking paper to save some washing up.


Listening to: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

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