No. 1:
Sometimes you really do just need a drink at 2pm and that's okay.
No. 2:
This really doesn't work, and to make matters worse your head enters that space it only ever spends time when you're massively over tired and everyone thinks you're a little bit crazy.
No. 3:
Work on your relationship with yourself every day because when it comes down to it this is the one that will effect the rest of your life continuously, whether that be in a positive or negative way.
No. 4:
Stop making excuses for people that continuously let you down or upset you. Accept that they're an asshole and move on.
No. 5:
And potentially my favourite. Don't let people dictate to you what you should do with your body, whether it's how many tattoos you want, how many people you want to sleep with or what shoes you want to wear with what outfit. You're the only person that decision effects.
No. 6:
You shouldn't have to dilute yourself to make yourself seem attractive to someone.
"You must not reduce yourself to a puddle just because the person you like is afraid to swim and you are a fierce sea to them; because there will be someone who was born with love of the waves within their blood, and they will look at you with fear and respect."
- T.B. LaBerg
No. 7:
With the last one in mind it's also okay to enjoy being on your own and to get a bit annoyed at people in relationships who pity you because you aren't in one yourself.
No. 8:
And to also not want to have kids. You don't need to procreate for your life to be fulfilled.
No. 9:
Don't settle just because you're comfortable and don't want to be alone. Everyone deserves someone amazing.
No. 10:
But it's also okay to still believe in true love and think that Mr/Mrs Right is out there for you.
No. 11:
You can always rely on your besties to give you advice and help you. Even if their lives are as messed up as yours and they also don't have a clue what they're doing.
No. 12:
And finally, life isn't worth living without best friends that you can drink cocktails in your jammies with and rely on to love you 24/7.
Thanks Sex and the City, thousands of women owe you one.
Listening to: Wut - Le1f
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